3 Signs It’s Time for a New Heat Pump in Summerville, SC

With regular maintenance and prompt attention to repairs, you may be able to get as much as 20 years out of your heat pump. You also should know what indicators of problems to look out for. Read further to learn about three common signs that you need a new heat pump for your home in Summerville, SC.

1. Strange Noises

Heat pumps make noise as part of their normal operation, but the normal sounds are gentle hums and possibly a few clicks and pops. If you hear something else, such as heavy thumping or rattling, then something’s wrong and you should turn your system off and call for repairs right away.

2. Unpleasant Odors

Heat pumps don’t generally have an odor, but they might create a slight smell of burning dust when you turn them on in heat mode for the first time during the fall. This is normal, and the smell should dissipate after a few minutes.

Smells to watch out for include old socks, which indicate the presence of biological growth inside the system. You also might smell vinegar, which is a sign of a short circuit or arcing problem. Smoke is emergent because it means that your heat pump is burning or on fire. Turn off the system immediately, and if needed, vacate your home. Repairs will be needed.

3. Sharply Rising Bills

If your heat pump doesn’t have a serious issue, then your utility bill should be close to the same amount each month. If something is wrong, however, then your bill could see a big increase because the heat pump would no longer be running efficiently. If your heat pump is of a certain age, or hasn’t had regular maintenance, then it’s likely it will need to be repaired or replaced.

We take great pride in serving the people of our city. Therefore, whenever something happens, and you need a new heat pump, call us right away at AC Heating and Air Conditioning for an installation appointment.

Image provided by iStock

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