5 Signs of Bad Indoor Air Quality in Folly Beach, SC

Keeping the air in your Folly Beach, SC home clean plays a big role in your health. But how can you tell if your home has bad indoor air quality? The following five signs can mean that you need fresher air inside your home.

1. Your Home Smells Bad

If there are lingering odd or stale smells in your home that just won’t go away, no matter how much air freshener you use, it could mean that your home has poor ventilation. If your home has poor ventilation, then odors can get stuck inside and lower the quality of the air you breathe.

2. Dust Is Everywhere

If you clean surfaces in your home weekly but dust builds up fast, that can mean you have low-quality air. The type of HVAC air filter you are using can help reduce the amount of dust that gets into your air.

3. You Have Problems Breathing

Constantly coughing, sneezing or having shortness of breath are signs of dirty indoor air. First, figure out if you have a cold or the flu. If everything with your health checks out, there are likely irritants in your home’s air.

4. Constant Headaches

Having a headache doesn’t always mean you have bad indoor air quality. You might have eye strain from using the computer, or maybe it’s stress. However, breathing dirty air can trigger inflammation in your nervous system, which can cause a variety of issues over time, including headaches.

5. Visible Signs of a Biologic Growth

If you see visible signs of biologic growth in your home, then it’s a sign of bad air quality. Biologic particulate growth can release spores into the air, which can cause allergies and breathing problems.

Air purifiers, clean air filters and an HVAC system that works well are just a few ways to improve your indoor air quality. Contact AC Heating and Air Conditioning today to learn more about our indoor air quality services.

Image provided by iStock

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